Sunday, February 19, 2012

Is It About Money? Religion? Some people's Moral Views?

The Sunday, February 19th New York Times includes a business section piece (see link below) which comments on the gay marriage debate. After reading it, summarizing it in the blog, express your opinions and be ready to discuss the article and your opinions in class for extra credit points.

1 comment:

  1. In the article, the Gay marriage debate is about granting the same-sex couples a constitutional rights for marriage or protecting the Defense of Marriage Act. I do strongly oppose the same-sex marriage from the ethical point of view, "marriage is between a man and a woman", and the ideological influence that same-sex partners already have on our generation is overwhelming. In spite of my strong opposition of legal gay marriage, I consider that if it is already legal in California to form same-sex couple domestic relationships, even adopt children, then why not give them the right for the federal benefits.
    Liya Nadareishvili
