Sunday, July 28, 2013

Do Poor People Have More Stress?

The Sunday, July 28th New York Times' Sunday Review section has an article entitled: "Status and Stress" (see link: ).  After reading the article and summarizing it in the blog, state your views about the topic and the author's opinion.  Be ready to speak about this in class (if we have time to engage in extra-credit) for possible extra credit.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Who's Your Daddy? Does it Matter in Getting Ahead?

The July 21st New York Times' Sunday Review section includes an article entitled "Who's Your Daddy?"  ( After reading the article and summarizing the author's message in the blog, state your opinion.  Be ready to discuss the author's and your opinion in class for extra credit points.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Have Gender Roles Changed When it Comes to Sex?

The Sunday, July 14th New York Times' Sunday Styles section includes an article entitled "She Can Play That Game, Too." ( ).  After reading the article and summarizing it on the blog, state your opinion (also in the blog).  Be ready to share your views about the article as well as the author's before your classmates for extra credit.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Is it Cold War over Again?

The July 7th New York Times' Sunday Review section includes an article entitled "A New Anti-American Axis?" (  After reading the article and summarizing it in the blog, write whether you agree or disagree with the author an why. Give an overview of the article and state the author's and your views to your fellow students in class for extra credit points.