Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Famous? Hype? Is it Realistic? Have Our Values Changed?

The Sunday, January 16th Miami Herald's Issues & Ideas Section includes a piece by columnist Leonard Pitt about former homelessman Ted Williams and his rapid ascent to fame. After reading the article (see link above and below) summarize the piece and then write the summary and your comment in the blog. Be prepare to discuss the piece and your views in class.


1 comment:

  1. In my opinion fame does not come over night. Here you have a man that wanted to be famous but wanted it for all the wrong reasons. He could have been famous along time ago had he not become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Our values have not changed we dont make a person famous because they want it. We make them famous because they deserve it and have the talent. Ted Williams has talent but he is trying to use it in the wrong way. He should have went to rehab 1st then tired to get his career back not the other way around. Fooling people about who you are will never work in the famous world. People who are famous have no privacy like he said, there are always cameras or a reporter trying to capture the real story. Therefore, fame does not come over night and money cant and wont buy happiness or your family.
