Sunday, July 27, 2014

Have the Rules Changed in Society?

The  New York Times' July 27th  issue  includes an article  title  "The New Instability" (see link:  After reading it and summarizing it blog,  write your  opinion as well.  Be  ready to discuss the  author's views and yours  before your  fellow  students for  extra credit


  1. In the last 40 years many things have changed considering education, work ethics and wages of both men and women. Intimacy has nothing to do with the role they play in their partnership, it does not matter if the men is working or doing housework, in a partnership both men and women share all the responsibility. A woman should not have to work and do all the housework by herself unless she's a single mother, the man should help around a little more.
    Education plays a major role in employment now than ever before,now a days the well-educated get jobs and the uneducated get "scraps" more or less. Most people have to work to the bone to even come near or maintain a "middle class" wage, an amount that for the most part can barely maintain the expenses of a modern family. And why. Should men get paid more than women? It's unfair, who ends up pregnant in the end and who has to maintain the child if the man walks out, the woman. Who in a Latin family has to maintain their parents when they are in their old age, the women, and we can't do everything on our own with less than a minimum wage paycheck, which is a nice way of saying we get less than a man who does far less than women have to do on a daily basis.

  2. This article is about how gender roles of take a significant change in american household over the past six decades. It also states that education is one of the reason why college graduates or likely not to get married and how this effects our society. Should we look to blame education for that reason? No. Individuals has to be responsible for the the choices we make when considering who we marry and not on their educational background. It also take about equity for women and how far the process has come, however there is still some lingering issues. I believe that there should be a balance of financially stability and personal morals in a relationship for a marriage to grow in this generation.
