Sunday, May 23, 2010

What (and HOW) we teach our clildren about race

In his Miami Herald Opinion piece columnist Leonard Pitts writes about a white woman who cried after wathching her daughter in an "experiment" in which the daughter claimed a white doll was better than a black doll because the white doll most resembled her. There are many things that can be extrapolated from this piece. Read the piece and comment on the actual experiment, the racial implications and other examples or analogies than may come to mind. Click to the article below, read it and comment.


  1. We should show them that everybody is equal.Color of skin doesn't make
    you the person you are today,so it's all about your brain
    potentiality.You might be white homeless or black homeless or a white
    president or black.The race is just your originality and you skin color.

  2. How sad to see our countries children not enjoying their childhood because they are predisposed to false notions. Childhood is a time to live in the highest level of happiness and purity, and we are destroying that. Why can't we just be happy with cartoons smoking and sending subliminal messages, those were the good old days. Now we have to worry about what network is sending what (negative) message. Remember guys what the people want they will get. If we continue to put on the same channels on for our children for convenience we are going to get the same result. This is the parents fault we have to talk to our children. I have a tutoring company and to often I see an abandoned child sitting by the tv while the parents try to relax and as soon as the child becomes overly excited he is sent to the tv to entertain himself. Then the parents wonders why their child is doing bad in school. What is going on? Where have all the parents gone? Hello your children's brain is becoming a load of crap because your a bad parent. We need to be real with our children expose them to the beautiful and harsh things in life so that they can become well opinionated adults. Don't let the media and your own perception of things raise your child. Take control and enjoy your children. They are not accessories to our lives they are responsibilities and it's time to be parents.

  3. I can truly understand her disappointment about the situation. However, I think the mother should have approach the issues differently with her self and daughter. First of all she has to remember that experiment can't make the final decision in her daughter’s life and future because as the parent she has more control. Also, as long as she explained the situation to her daughter before hands I’m sure her daughter understands. Lastly, if she knew it will play a major effect on her and her daughter life style she should have rejected the offer because she made the decision without thinking about the consequences.
