Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can academic dishonesty be considered a felony?

The Miami Herald reports that a Harvard University student was "indicted on 20 offenses, including larceny, identity fraud and pretending to hold a degree" after it was discovered that he was admitted to Harvard on false pretenses and was awarded "$45,000 in finncial aid, grants and schlarships." 

Do you think that academic dishonesty should be prosecutd by the law?


  1. This should definitely be prosecuted by the law. It is a matter of principles, if he did it once, he is for sure going to do it again in some other way. My question is: How many times has this happened before?

  2. Please Harvard get over yourself!!!!!! If the kid would have been honest he probably still would have been accepted and the university would more then likely would have paid his entire education. That is a fact because they have more funds then any other university in this country and I am sure more then some outside of the country. Why can't they look at the big picture and put money towards a better cause such as a system to wean out the people that are abusing the financial aid system so that people like myself can benefit more. They are good for it are they not!!! Another solution is creating a foundation not associated with Harvard to help people ,like this young man, who may need money or don't know how to apply to a college. Do you really need to make an example out of him, is it not enough that any where this kid goes he will not be able to receive an education.

  3. I do not believe that academic dishonesty is punishable to imprisonment. I admit that he was wrong, however, he does not deserve to be sentenced to jail. My take on this situation is he told a big lie that was worth $45,000 and unfortunately Harvard University was the laughingstock. The amount dispersed to assist him in college was equivalent to a penny based on the Universities savings. I believe there are much more severe crimes being swept under the rug, such as police officers killing innocent people. Are they anymore innocent than the young man? Or are they protected by a department that is ready for their defense? If there is too much room in prison they should consider keeping the pedophiles in longer.
