Sunday, April 6, 2014

How is it that Millennials are Different? Do you agree?

The Sunday, April 7 Opinion Page section of The Miami Herald  includes a piece by Helen Aguirre Ferre titled "Millennials Want Different Message" (see link:  After reading the article, summarize it and comment on the blog and stating your views as well as the author's.  Be ready to share your views and the author's before you classmates for extra credit.


  1. Millennials are different because they are more socially concious than other generations.I am ofGeneration X, a generation known for being slackers.Generation Xers donot have the drive that Milennials do or the opinion of social issues.All we are known for is Flannel,coffee, Alterantive rock and also of being a slacker.I am kind of envious of this generation because they show purpose and drive ,In conclusion Millenials are strong generation that will make a great mark in history for future generations.

  2. Millennials were born in the 1980's-2000. In the article they are said to be the new face of America. I am personally part of this group. They are said to be a very self driven group. They want to have change in America. I personally believe in this. I want to open my own business and finish college. Most millennials are consered to be immagrants or parents of immagrants. This also partians to me because my parents came to Cuba to live the American dream. Millennials are all about the American dream. I will have my Amercain dream once I have a successful business.

  3. i completely agree with this article and i my self am a proud millennial baby.I truly believe my generation will change the world that we will wheat out discrimination change this horrible political system weve been born in to. i am a very optimistic person an believe we can do what ever we set our minds to and i feel that this is our time to prevail in this article i believe they captured the real beliefs of the millennials an completly agree with there point of view.

  4. Millennial are the new generation of America. The article states that Millennial are changing the country and wants more change. According to the article, they have changed our view on gay marriage and illegal drugs. Millennial have changed our ways or speaking and writing due to todays technology. I am a part of the Millennial group and I can relate to this article. I do believe that there will be change but I do not believe that the change will be good. Millennial cannot speak nor write correctly without using technology. so if thats the case now, imagine the near future? things will only get worst. This generation is completely different from the past because of technology. Technology keeps progressing so I believe that the upcoming Millennial will most likely be left with less jobs and less of the "American dream".
