Sunday, March 17, 2013

Again, Affirmative Action. What is it?

The Sunday Review Section of the March 17th New York Times includes an article titled "Does Affirmative Action Do What It Should Do? (  Read the article, summarize it in the blog and state your opinion.  Be ready to discuss your views and the author's in class for extra credit.

1 comment:

  1. I don’t believe that affirmative action helps black or Hispanic students to get into elite schools. I t wouldn’t help white students either if they were considered for it if it would have been the other way around. Unfortunately not all of us get the same quality of education and preparation in high school to get into college. That is why we have community colleges to help us get up to part with those that did get a better quality of education. If one get this affirmative help and were to get into a elite school very well knowing you are not at their level is just setting yourself up for failure. I don’t believe that it really makes a difference what school you go to as long as you get the proper education and training in the field that you’re going into to make sure that your are prepared for success and not failure. Even though society doesn’t see it that way because everyone is so worried about who has what and where did they and where do they come from that they fail to see the real attributes that people have to offer other then where they went to and where they come from. Has long as you are well educated from an accredited university or college, then you are set for success.
