Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Debatable World?

The October 21, 2012 New York Times' Sunday Review section includes an article titled "The Debatable World" (link:  After reading it and summarizing it in the blog, be ready to discuss the author's opinions and yours before the class for extra credit.

1 comment:

  1. This article is mainly about foreign policy of the two candidates, President Obama and Mr. Romney. It also talks about whether or not America should intervene around the world. Both candidates have different positions on foreign policy, however, in reference to their last debate; it seems Mr. Romney shares some of Barack Obama’s view on foreign policy. He agreed to most of what President Obama had to say on how to deal with Iran, Syria and Afghanistan. This seems very different from what Mr. Romney had been saying throughout his campaign and from the first two debates. In addition, the article also states the candidate’s position on china and issues like, extremists and terrorism. In conclusion, to the article and regarding its main idea on foreign policy; and I quote “Mr. Obama has put together a nuanced approach that worked in Libya and has frozen in place in Syria. It will be up to Mr. Romney to explain if he has found a third way”.
