Sunday, September 16, 2012

Show Me the Money? Is that the Problem

The September 16th New York Times' Sunday Review Section includes an article titlted "Don't Show Me the Money"  
( which addresses important societal issues.  After reading the article and summarizing it in the blog, state your opinion.  Be ready to discuss the article and your views in class for extra credit.


  1. The article is basically talking about how money has transformed our society. The writer is saying that she's tired of hearing about money but even if she didn't want to talk about it or deal with it she'd be forced to at some point anyway. We buy and sell things today that used to be free in the past and nobody has a problem with it (at least a big enough problem to do something about it). As a society we have learned to revolve our lives around money, it's even in our entertainment. We love to watch shows and read articles about what the rich people are buying and doing even though we could never afford that stuff. The main problem is that we now measure someone's success by how much money they have and not necessarily their achievements or how happy they are. This is pretty much a side effect of capitalism and it's spreading world wide, there is really nothing we can do if everyone buys into the "bandwagon" mentality. Everyone wants the newest iphone and now thats the goal instead of having a happy family and home.

  2. To briefly explain, the article was clearly a complaint of how the world all revolves on money. We are always worrying about the peoples who are making money, for example all the media mostly show is someone that is making a lot money. Our main goal is to make lot of money, for example we go to school which is with a hope of ending up with good money. If someone does not make much money, the world also does not consider them as successful.

  3. Based on my opinion, this article is all about how the world let money be their first priority, where they basically compairing themselves to each other who has the most money in their bank account. As you can see today, majority of us want to pursue a major where you usually gonna make a lot of money or the world gonna remember your name because you getting richer in that field, instead of pursuing a major that you love.Today’s crises are all about what is euphemistically called “the financial services industry” — that is to say, they’re all about money. I am wondering why the world see those people who are getting richer as the most successful person, and in the middle class we got a lot folks who are educated, helpful and kind but their names never be up there........

  4. James Atlas opened the article up by saying that he was frustrated with money talk, he couldn't get away from people constantly talking about money. How we know more about the 1% of rich people then we would like to admit. Which I believe is true, now we can't be satisfy with making a decent amount of money and call our selfs successful. If your not rich then your not successful, which I find ridiculous. Then he goes on to say the problem is that we need to know about money which I agree with. Every since the down fall of the banks in 2008 people have been worrying more and more if they have enough money. We can't even go out to have fun without needing money. Me and my friends talk about being bored and wanting to do something but everything there is to do has money involved. Money is always going to be an topic in the news as long as the media wants to hear about it and until we are content with our living situations and our money situation there will always we money talk.

  5. This article written By James Atlas is about his opinion of money being talked about all the time. Which totally makes him sick of hearing about money. Every news channel basically the media only talks about money, millionaires, billionaires, upper class folks who have it all. News stations talking about the economy. James view is why not do something about, change the tax loopholes, and regulate banks instead as James Atlas stated in his article. James Atlas also calls it "Wall street porn. Thats why James Atlas gets sick and tired of hearing about money. I agree on the economy being talked about a lot, but there's nothing wrong with that because people want to be updated. Also, I disagree about hearing a lot of talk about money because it only depends on what channel he or she is watching. I know I don't hear much about money.
