Sunday, July 22, 2012

Will the New Community College Work?

The Sunday, July 22nd New York Times' Education Life section includes an article by education writer Richard Perez-Pena (link:  titled "The New Community College Try." After reading the article and familiarizing yourself with terms or persons with which you are unfamiliar, summarize the article and then post your opinion about its content. Be ready to discuss the article's contents and your views in class for extra-credit.


  1. This article talks about a new way of teaching students at the community college level. This new system will force students to graduate in less time. This system will be more intensive compare to our present community college system. This new community college will stress the idea of tutoring, group activity, and counseling. The only thing that seems to be bad about it is the cost. This new system will cost more. However, the benefit seems to outweigh this minor issue. Students will be able to graduate in less time that means the government will be spend less money in the long run. This is an idea worth’s pursuing.

  2. Natacha Francois
    I love the schools new look where there are not going to be any remedial classes which sometimes discourage student from continuing. At the same time I do believe that some students need it, I don't believe that the bridge and tutoring alone will suffice to learn what should have been absorbed in high school. The mandatory study time is great because it allows guidance, and student should always ask for help when needed, but it is almost like giving them a crutch because they might transfer out and not be able to get the same attention at CUNY and might not know how to adapt. I believe that the ASAP should be open to every one attending not the low income students, every deserves that chance to be better , but some times you miss the low income by a mark and can not afford it.
    I understand that the cost will be 30,00 in the first semester I know New York is more costly but that is too costly for a community college.

  3. This article is about the opening of a new community college in New York set to open in August. The enrolling student are actually guinea pigs in a million experiment to to fix what what disrupts the learning experiences in community colleges, since the retention rate is higher than the gradution rate,with CUNY they have a clean slate, new curriculm.

  4. This article is about a multimillion-dollar experiment in which they are trying to fix what is causing the uneasinness in community colleges and also by testing the students behavior.
