Monday, April 9, 2012

A Million Dollars a Day? Is a CEO Worth It?

The Sunday, April 8th New York Times' Business Section includes an article titled "A Rich Game of Thorones" which discusses the CEO's compensation. After reading it, summarizing it in the blog and stating your views about the article and subject discussed in the article, be ready to discuss it in class for extra credit points.


  1. The article points out the fact that we are apart of America,Inc. like it or not. The rules to this country go as follows: "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." You as an intelligent individual have to decide which side of the fence you want to play on.

  2. The article aregues if American Inc. executive's compensation should be that enormously high, when the ordinary emoloyee working for those corporate companies are getting peanuts for their compensation. To put some numbers into perspective, compare the median chief execute's compensation of $14.4 millions and the average annual American salary of $45 000.We live in a capitalistic world, where rich gets richer, while poor only poorer, no matter how economy is. Whoever has a sufficient amount of cash can buy that kind of bussiness in a stock market and make his millions.

  3. It’s amazing to see people making so much money in a time of recession. What can one person do with so much money they will never be able to use it all in their lifetime it seems like there should be some way to tax them to give to the poor and homeless starving million dollar a day is way too much for anyone person can you imagine how many poor people they ripped off to get that. If you go to buy an apple lap top they charge you so much and can never get one if you are a dollar short yet you have people in the company making a million a day. These companies should be taxed and compelled to give half of their earnings to the poor. Why is the govt. preventing people from working overtime when these ceo's are allowed to make millions a day with no problem. Natasha Singer did a good job by publishing this article. Mr. Cook needs to take half of his pay check and give to the poor. Give back what the company has stolen from people. If they earn it honestly it’s still not okay we need to make it so the poor get richer up to the next level, and the rich wait for the rest to catch up. Then all would be all right, at least everyone with food to eat daily.

  4. This is a informative article and good for everyone to see how much CEO's of giant companies are making in a yer. The questions is if a CEO is worth that money. In my opinion a lot of people with businesses degrees from many universities can do a great job too. The true is that they are the one's who rule the country.

  5. I believe this article gives great information. It tells about some of the biggest corporations in the world and how much their CEO's make. Also it explains how in the past recession the CEO's salary went down. But after 2010 the salaries started rising again and now are beginning to stabilize. Additionally, in all these public corporations one can buy stocks. Therefore, this article gives us more knowledge on which corporations to invest in.

  6. This article really gives readers an open mind about the amount of money CEO's make. Personally I do not believe CEO's should be making millions of dollars. The amount of pay is over the top for the work they do, I mean CEO's are a great asset to any corporation but do they really deserve millions of dollars? Id anything Doctors should be making that kind of money since they are the ones who are saving lives. Also, I agree with those before me who said "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer"

  7. I believe that a CEO of a business should be getting paid well because the business is running based on their decisions but for a CEO to get paid $2.3 million over night its just to much its not right. Like Shirae said Doctors and nurses should really be the ones getting paid that type of money they are doing good deeds and saving people and helping humans that have health problems get better so they can continue living life. I definitely don't think that a CEO should actually be making that type of money yes they should get paid very good money but this is just an exaggeration.

  8. This article is a perfect example of how the economy in a capitalism system works, in which few people control money and have the privilege to make important economic decisions. Also it's amazing to see how CEO's pay rises recently in 2011 in a recession economy with high rates of unemployment, low salaries, housing crisis, and bankruptcy everywhere. However thanks to the smart CEO's work we have technological advances and many other benefits. But still it's hard to believe that they don't really take emergency decisions when the country is facing difficult economic times.

  9. Although Chief Executive Officers (CEO) hold the highest ranking executive in a company I believe that their salaries are extremely high compared to the average workers’ salary. I don’t have anything against a CEO earning that much money, since many of them are the originators of their companies, and have worked hard to get where they are. Nevertheless, what I believe is unfair is the enormous difference between the CEO’s normal wage and his employees. For me what this means is that the only way for someone who works in a company to get rich is by holding a high ranked position. So, at the end what I understand by this is that if you are not creative enough to start your own company, or lucky enough to get promoted, you will earn no much more than what you are earning now.

  10. I believe Ceo's are reciving too much money for the little work they do though they put the company on it's feet I do not think iys fair the workers doing all the manual labor recive such little pay. the Ceo makes in one week what thier worker will make is a year. I belibe the amount of pay of a ceo should be reduced by a considerable amount.

  11. I believe that CEO's are being paid ridiculously high amounts of salaries compared to the average salary of a hard-working American. What most people don’t realize is that these CEO’s come from old money and therefore get these jobs because of the people they know and not the hard work and dedication that were put into getting there. Instead of paying these ridiculous amounts of money to rich CEO’s that don’t even see a difference in their lives with those extra few millions given to them as bonuses, America and its large companies should invest in making all that extra money flow back in the struggling economy that they live in as well.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. CEO's are being paid way too much, this just goes back to how the rich are getting richer and the poor/ average remain in the same situations in these case the average worker of a company is being payed the same salory. Yes its understandable that they are intitled to have an ample salary but when does it go from being ample to overestimated? and why is the average american worker experiencing the slight improvement of the economy.. why does this top 1% percent get all the benefit?

  14. iN my persepecgtive CEO are being paid too much but at the same time they have ba huge responsibility in managing and mainitaing a company such as apple.

  15. This article just shows us Why America will always be screwed because of capitalism. The super-wealthy(top 1%) of America has more man than the rest of America's society together. CEO's are making a tremendous amount of money, more than what the average american makes in a year. That is entirely too much money for any job. I honestly believe that these are the factors that causes our country to be in a recession.

  16. This article is just proof of how messed up our country is. Our money is not being spread out as widely as it should. A doctor saves a life and he gets nothing compared to what a CEO gets in one day. They have to manage a corporation and make it look good and thats about it but the don't do half this. They just keep getting money and try not to loose it. These are the guys that say they create jobs but in my opinion are the ones creating more jobs over seas and spiraling the economy downwards. YES they get paid too much no i don't agree with it.
