Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is Our Legal System Rigged? Can We "Crash" It?

The New York Times' Sunday, March 11th includes an opinion piece in its Sunday Review section titled "Go to Trial: Crash the Justice System." Its author, a civil rights attorney, quotes other legal experts who opine that "the system is rigged." After reading the artilce (see link below) and analyzing it state in the blog why the assertion that the system is rigged. State your views and be ready to discuss your ideas and the author's in class for extra credit points.

1 comment:

  1. Even thought I believe that our legal system is absolutely rigged and corrupted, and by taking a plea we'll end up with a felony record, that will disturb our whole life, anyone charged with a crime may exercise their Constitutional rights to take their case all the way to a Jury Trial. The question is do incarcerated individuals want to take it to the Trial? When they could be better off to plea guilty and get the probation. The reasons for many to prefer taking the plea is that they know they are guilty and don't want to risk their life imprisonment, because if they would be found guilty in a Trial they would get the max punishment.
    The fact we know that our legal system is corrupted, fundamentally immoral and unjust, we should practice the safe side and try to avoid to do anything illegal in order not to deal with a system, if we so care for our freedom.
    By Liya Nadareishvili
