The Sunday, February 12th Miami Herald's Local section includes an article (see link below) which examines the changes the Florida Legislature intends to make to recipients of state-sponsored benefits. After reading the article and summarizing it on the blog, give your opinions and state why you feel the way you do. Be ready to comment before the class for extra credit.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
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ReplyDeleteI myself am aware of the flaws in the system.
When someone applies to governemnt assistence they need to know that they must overcome obsticles in order to qualify.It is a means of responsibility or accountability. When you consider the number of americans that recieve assistence you begin to realise that we are privileged to live here. It is important that all of us respect the laws by getting educations and applying work and paying taxes in order to keep the system fair and in balance. But i believe it is the responsibility of the law to protect our system from the greedy. Say for exapmle my freind who dosnt work and recieves florida unemployment checks. My freind dosnt have a job and dosnt want one either. He is happy with the advantege of getting money from his unemployment and uses his extra money to buy beer. This is a bad example but his activities do constitute as a flaw of the system. I believe that if law makes wish to apply security clearences to applicants of gov. assistence, than we should comply. but i do beleive that any new laws, as all other laws, should be constitutional and not bias to individuals seeking help. These laws should be set for the purpose of helping others, not to scare people away, or block innocent people from recieving the help they need.
i hope i can get extra credit
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ReplyDeleteI have witnessed many diferent parties of people within my city. I have been to political campeigns for president, for district attourny. I have been to protest for supporting laws. I have been to rich, fancy condominiums of some of the wealthiest people of miami, i have meet them. I have also had the chance to walk accross the street and meet the many homeless people living in cardboard. there is a big crack in the system and as time goes on, with little government support that crack gets bigger and bigger. This is the reason why many americas dont trust the poor, immigrants, the rich, and sometimes even their own presidents. the time for responsibility is well overdue. it is hightime that americans become informed and relinquish their ignorant habits. their is a good example in this story about they way americans are prone to fight the law makers regarding government assistence. when it is possible for one who is suffering, to recieve assistance by appling dedication as well as credibility of their own character than a decent person takes that advantage. So if the government wants to apply safty laws to protect the innocent from loosing their social welfare why do so many become angry? i dont believe individuals abusing the system or abusing the law sould recieve unconditional support. their is a healthy need for new law to establish some level of protection for the system. i dont want to be mistaken because i am aware that their is a factor of hipocracy,for instance wheen state legislatures useing millions in tax money to bulid a new stadium. Although thereare many other examples of hipocracy i dont want those factors to disguise the argument for the reasons why we do need more credibility from social welfare applicants.