Sunday, February 22, 2015

"Debt's Two Sides: Riches and Misery"

The Sunday, February 22nd New York Times' Business Section includes an article which refers to a topic all too familiar to most of us: debt (see link:  After reading the piece and summarizing it in the blog, state your opinion and the author's.  Be ready to share your views before your classmates for extra credit.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Can we believe news reporters who make-up stuff? Ethical violation?

Miami Herald columnist Carl Hiaasen writes about NBC's Brian Williams 's six months suspension in his Sunday, February 15th's column.  See link below:

After reading his piece and summarizing it in the blog, state you opinion.  Share your views and Hiaasen's before your classmates for extra credit.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Are vaccines worth the purported risk?

The Sunday, February 8th New York Times' Opinion section includes an article that address the very controversial issue of vaccination.  After reading the article titled  "The Dangers of Vaccine Denial" (see link below: summarize the author's views and yours in the blog.  Be ready to share your opinions and the author's before your fellow classmates for extra credit.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Are Judges Mostly Conservative, or Are they Impartial?

The Sunday, February 1st, 2015 New York Times' Opinion Section includes a piece titled "Why Judges Tilt to the Right," (see link below: ).  After reading the article and summarizing it in the blog, state your views about the issue as well as the author's.  Be ready to share your views and the author's before your fellow students for extra credit.