Sunday, June 29, 2014

Can we cure "Inequality"?

The  Sunday, June 29th's New York Times' Opinion  section includes an article  titled  "Inequality is  Not  Inevitable" (see link:  After reading the article and summarizing its content in the blog, state your opinion on the matter. Be ready to  share your views in class before your fellow  students for extra credit.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

What About our "Cultural Reality"/

The Sunday,  June 22nd Miami  Herald's Opinion section includes a piece by contributor  (and MDC board chairperson)  Helen Aguirre Ferre titled "Kicking Around  Our Cultural  Reality (see link:  After reading the article, and analyzing from  a cultural perspective,  summarize it in the blog and include your personal opinion as  well as the author's.   Be sure to comment on the article, your views about it and the author's before your classmates for extra credit.