Sunday, January 27, 2013

What are the Advantages of Education for All?

The Sunday, January 27 New York Times' Sunday Review section includes an article titled "Revolution Hits the Universities" (  After reading it, summare the article in the blog and state your views about the topic.  Be ready to discuss the article and your views in class for extra credit.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Do Management Skills Matter when Choosing Politicians?

Sunday, January 20th The New York Times' Sunday Review section includes an aritcle titled "Managing the Oval Office."  After reading the article (see link: summarize it in the blog and discuss yours and the author's opinions.  Be prepare to discuss the article, your views and the author's in front of the class for extra credit points.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Sunday, January 13th's New York Times' Sunday Review Section includes an article by columnist Frank Bruni titled "Democrats Behaving Badly" (  After reading the aticle and summarizing it in the blog, state your opinion about the piece and say why you agree or disagree with the author.  Be sure to familiarize yourself with the workings of persons described in the piece to be able to make an intelligent analysis

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The New York Times' January 6th's Sunday Review Section includes an article titled "How to Choose a College" (link:  After reading the opinion piece, summarize the author's views in the blog and state your opinion.  Be ready to discuss your views and the author's in class for extra credit points.