Sunday, March 27, 2011

Does Social Security Need to be Fixed?

The Miami Herald's Sunday, March 27th Opinion Section includes an article titled "Why Social Security Must be Fixed" (see link) in which its author claims that Social Security favors "middle and high earners over less well-off retirees." After reading the article, state why the author makes that claim and state your personal opinion

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Would "Structural Changes" help fix our problems in Miami Dade County?

Miami Herald columnnist Myriam Marquez has a piece in the Sunday, March 20th Miami Herald's Local Section which discusses the county charter (see link). After reading the article and perhaps researching (on line, if you wish) pertinent topics with which you may not be familiar, i.e. commissioners' salaries, etc., summarize the article and write your comments.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Does it Take to be a "Better Boss?"

The Sunday, March 13th's Business Section of The New York Times includes an article titled "The Quest to Build a Better Boss" which recounts Google's "Project Oxygen," which intended to find the characteristics of what most employees call the better boss. After reading the article (see link above and below) and summarizing it in the blog, state your opinion. Be ready to discuss the article and your thoughts in class if you want to have the chance of earning five extra credit points.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is Money the Answer to Better Education? Why? Why not?

The Miami Herald's Sunday, March 6th's Other Views' section includes two pieces (see links above and below), one by MDC's president Eduardo Padron and the other by Florida's former governor Jeb Bush, that address the topic of education. Read both pieces and after summarizing them express your views in the blog. Be ready to discuss your views in class if you wish to earn five points extra credit