Saturday, September 25, 2010

Doing Well by Doing Good; Is It Possible?

The Miami Herald's Saturday, September 25th'Tropica Life Section includes an article (see link above and below) which describes the entrepreneurial persuit or two South Floridians who aim to help children in Colombia, South America. Read the article, summarize it and post your opinions in the blog. Be prepared to discuss your posting as well as how these young men attempt to do well (make money) by doing good (helping).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Would Paying a Flat-Rate for Tuition be Better for Students?

The Miami Herald's Sunday, September 19th Local Page includes a story entitled "Flat-rate tuition system weighed" that discusses the Florida state university system's consideration of having state universities charge a flat rate for tuition regardless of the number of credits a student may take. After reading article (see link above and below) post your summary of the article and state your thoughts and opinion. Be ready to comment about your blog posting in class.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Is The President Chained to the World?

The Sunday, September 12th's New York Times includes a article entitled "The Presidency, Chained to the World" in which the author, Matt Bai, discusses the predicaments of being president of the United States. After reading the article (see link above and below) and when you are ready to enter your blog, state some facts contained in the article and state your opinion about the subject. Be ready to discuss the article and your views in class.,%20Chained%20to%20the%20World&st=cse

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Are For-Profit Schools Providing a Service or Disservice to Students?

The Miami Herald’s September 5th’s front page carries an article, “For-profit colleges grow as do complaints,” about the appeal that for-profit colleges have for some students and the apparent pitfalls associated with these schools. After reading the article (see link below) post your comment by summarizing what the article says are the reasons for the growth in enrollment of for-profit colleges and the problems that, according to the article, students and the public at-large face. In addition to providing a summary about these two factors, give your point of view (something that the article does not mention but that you deem relevant) regarding these two issues.