Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Predicaments of Being President: Is Obama Doing Enough?

The August 29th The New York Times has an editorial, "Waiting for Mr. Obama," in which the paper exposes what has been reported by other media: that the economy has not improved and it is not expected to do so in the immediate future. The Times exposes the Democratic agenda and the Republican agenda which are at odds. Read the article, recount what it says and after thinking about the topic and reflecting on it, express your views about the economy, the Obama administration's handling of the economy and how you are personally affected by what each party wants to do and what Obama has done. After posting your views, be ready to speak about them in class.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Florida Ranks Dead Last in Government Funding for its Public Universities

The August 22nd Miami Herald's Issues & Ideas section includes an article (see link above and below) that addresses Florida's inadequate funding for public educational institutions. After readomg the article comment about what the authors say and what you think the problem is (or the problems are). Mention something you see as being a problem(s) regarding funding, the need for it, and the difficulties in getting funding or disbursing funding that the article does not mention but that you think is(are) important to address. Prepare to discuss your opinion in class.